Hello, World!

My name is
Kaito Sugimura

Software Engineer. Game Developer. Human!

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Kaito Sugimura







EXP: 0/500


Click on the glowing boxes to retrieve its EXP

EXP Gain
Gold Gain







Reduce wait time for next EXP collection



Increase EXP multiplier, EXP gained per click



Increase Gold multiplier, Gold gained per click


My linkedin profile picture

About me

Above all, video games are meant to just be one thing: Fun for everyone. - Satoru Iwata

Who am I?

I am a passionate engineer who loves learning and creating new things! I am always eager to apply my knowledge and continue learning new skills. I'm a firm believer in showing rather than telling. Proved by leveraging my knowledge to create a personal website and many different genres of games using various engines or platforms. I excel at adapting to quickly changing technology, platforms, and or requirements. I am persistent when it comes to solving challenges.

Growing up, I've always been into countless variety of video games, especially games from Nintendo. I remember the joy and fun I had playing games such as: Pokémon, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, and many other famous titles. It was what lead me though countless fantasies and challenge me with various interactive puzzles. I still remember to this day, the feeling of waiting till Christmas for the newest game. It was truly what brought delight and happiness into my world.

My dream is simple. To bring the same smile I had to another person's face. To be bluntly honest, until recently, I never fully understood what it meant to be a Software Engineer. In fact I initially chose this degree out of spite thinking it was just computer and game related. But right now, I am glad to be where I am and I can confidently say, this is where I belong. Programming can be challenging or even frustrating at times, but nothing can beat the satisfaction of a person genuinely enjoying what you have created.

I believe Software engineering at it's core is about developing exciting and joyful experiences.

Enough of all this boring text...

Welcome to the journey of my life

Hoshuko Logo

Calgary Hoshuko Japanese School

Graduated Grade 6 level Japanese school
School I went to every saturday aside from elementary school

Calgary Japanese Community School Logo

Calgary Japanese Community School

Graduated Grade 9 level Japanese school
School I went to every saturday aside from middle school

CityofCalgary Logo

The City of Calgary Recreation

  • Leading groups and looking after small children in the camp
  • Thinking of fun games for children
  • Learn communication and organization skills with peer volunteers and leaders
Shotokan Karate Logo

Arashi Do Martial Arts

My first Karate Dojo
Won the regional champion award

CityofCalgary Logo

The City of Calgary Recreation

  • Leading groups and looking after small children in the camp
  • Thinking of fun games for children
  • Learn communication and organization skills with peer volunteers and leaders
Sir Winston Churchill High School Logo

Sir Winston Churchill High School

High School Diploma

Shotokan Karate Logo

Shotokan Karate

The dojo I obtained my black belt
I was humbled by the amount of talented people there were at this dojo. I want to thank my Sensei for not going easy on me and letting me realize my strength and weaknesses. I want to also thank my Senpai's who were generous enough to give me one on one lessons after class, especially to my favorite Senpai who would train me every sunday.

Matrix Orbital Logo

Matrix Orbital

  • Inspected and protected products for transport by correctly assembling boxes and crates
  • Verify accuracy and prevent errors
  • Packaged shipping items
  • Maintained a neat, clean, and safe workspace to avoid hazards and increase safety
Shotokan Karate Logo

2018 National Junior ISKF Karate Kata Champion

Shotokan Karate Logo

2018 Best Junior Male Contestant ISKF Alberta Provincial Champion

Matrix Orbital Logo

Matrix Orbital

  • Inspected and protected products for transport by correctly assembling boxes and crates
  • Verify accuracy and prevent errors
  • Packaged shipping items
  • Maintained a neat, clean, and safe workspace to avoid hazards and increase safety
Omatsuri Logo

Omatsuri Event

Showcasing our Dojo at the Calgary Japanese Festival “Omatsuri” was a lot of fun!

Loblaws Sage Hill City Market Logo

Loblaws Sage Hill City Market

  • Bakery and customer service
  • Patisserie and customer service
  • Manage and stocking of items and products
Matrix Orbital Logo

Matrix Orbital

  • PCB soldering
  • Program uploading and testing PCB’s for displays
  • Inspected and protected products for transport by correctly assembling boxes and crates
  • Verify accuracy and prevent errors
  • Packaged shipping items
  • Maintained a neat, clean, and safe workspace to avoid hazards and increase safety
Shotokan Karate Logo

2019 National Junior ISKF Karate Kata Champion

Shotokan Karate Logo

2019 Best Junior Male Contestant ISKF Alberta Provincial Champion

University of Calgary Logo

University of Calgary

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering

Grade: 3.957/4 GPA, 3rd year
Predicted year of graduation: 2024

Courses Taken

Software and Computer:
  • Computer Organization
  • Data Structures, Algorithms & Applications
  • Principles of Operating Systems
  • Principles of Software Design
  • Principles of Software Development
  • Computing for Engineers

Current Courses

Software and Computer:
  • Computer Networks
  • Data Base Management Systems
  • Software Requirements
  • Software Architecture
  • Software Testing, Reliability, and Quality
Matrix Orbital Logo

Matrix Orbital

  • PCB soldering
  • Program uploading and testing PCB’s for displays
  • Inspected and protected products for transport by correctly assembling boxes and crates
  • Verify accuracy and prevent errors
  • Packaged shipping items
  • Maintained a neat, clean, and safe workspace to avoid hazards and increase safety

HTML and CSS | Codecademy

Learned in a Full-Stack Engineering course for website development

Javascript Logo

Javascript | Codecademy

Learned in a Full-Stack Engineering course for website development

Javascript Logo

My first ever website project

Image of very first website
C# Logo

C# | Codecademy

Learned for understanding OOP and use in the Unity software

Python Logo

Python 3 | Codecademy

Learned for general interest

Unity Logo

Junior Programmer Course Pathway | Unity Learn

Learned for game development in the Unity software

Javascript Logo

My very first unity game!

It's a terrible game now that I look back on it haha

Image of my very first game
Javascript Logo

My second unity game!

2D automatic scroller, like geometry dash

Image of my second game
Blender Logo

Learning modeling in blender!

I made a donut following Blender Guru's YouTube tutorial!

Image of my Donut I made!

Blender Logo

Learning how to create a humanoid character in Blender

Image of my character I made!

Javascript Logo

My first ever Hackathon!

It was a small one day hackathon but I'm still proud our group won!

Image of my Donut I made!

Udemy Logo

Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer course | Udemy

Learned for game development in the Unreal Engine 5 software

Udemy Logo

The Ultimate Git Course – with applications in UE | Udemy

Learned for version control and management of code

Javascript Logo

The GameDev.tv Game Jam 2022

My very first game I created in Unreal Engine 5 without watching any direct tutorials

Javascript Logo


A hybrid hack and slash/shooter game that I made in Unreal Engine 5. I mostly used C++ to code the game

Javascript Logo

Zekka coin dozer game

One of my proudest projects so far! A RPG coin dozer game completely made from scratch in Unreal Engine 5! I tried to implement most of my stuff in C++, however a lot of the UI was implemented with blueprints since that made the most sense

Udemy Logo

Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS | Udemy

Learned for further honing on website development

Photo of myself sitting on a cliff

This website!!

I built this website from scratch using HTML, CSS, and Javascript!

My main photo

Lilac - Hack the Change 2022

As a team of 3 we created a website to help reduce wealth disparity within and between countries.

Let's have a chat!

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